Tuesday, 13 August 2013

More Research...

   a) Stephen Stockwell writes about politics and the media, particularly in Australia. What database would you use to find his first academic article about Brisbane in a national journal? What year? Provide a full citation.

  1. Journal: The Journal of Urban Policy and Research
  2. Stockwell, S 1995, The Brisbane Model: Considering a Unique Experiment, The Journal of Urban Policy and Research, vol. 13 no.2, pg. 89-96.
   b) What is the latest medical thinking about internet addiction? What database did you use? Full citation.
  1. The latest medical thinking about internet addiction is concerned with the fact it is heavily associated with both depression and suicidal ideation and is of increasing concern amongst young adolescents (Park et al 2013). Reserach also has found that body image concerns, specifically "body image avoidance", is associated with symptoms of internet addiction (Rogers 2013)
  2. Database: MEDLINE (Via Ovid)
  3. Citations:
c) What are IT engineers thinking about surveillance cameras? Identify a theme you could write an essay about and cite three papers that would be useful.
  1. IT engineers are speculating about the issue of increasing the effective coordination of multiple surveillance cameras programmed for the detection of multiple targets (Rios-Cabrera, Tuytelaars, Van Gool 2012). Studies offer solutions to relieve or limit the computational load and optimise system performance (Yao 2010).
  2. A possible theme: The increasing effectiveness of multiple cameras in multi-target surveillance
  3. Citations:

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